Who is Responsible for Covid-19?

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The Progressive/Communist/Socialist/Deep State/Marxist cabal might not have deliberately caused the Covid-19 pandemic, but the idea that they could have is plausible.

Consider these factors, which come not from a right-wing imagination but from their own writings and statements:

  1. Their standard for morality and ethics is whatever is beneficial for their cause. Marx called traditional religion “the opiate of the masses” and communist regimes consistently demand that the State or the Party replace any spiritual God. “Truth” is defined as whatever serves and advances the party line. Lying is considered a virtue if it promotes their ideology or paints their supporters and leaders in a good light.
  2. They have no respect for individual human life either inside or outside the womb. People are important only as part of a group, specifically the group that serves the party, the ideology. All others are considered a burden on society and properly disposed of. In fact, they want to dispose of 94.5% of the world’s population, as their Georgia Guidestones monument clearly states in its First Commandment.
  3. They hate the free market economy and capitalism. They hate the U.S. Constitution. Capitalism isn’t holy and the Constitution isn’t the Bible, but the world and especially the United States have prospered greatly with them.

So, would it make sense that the Chinese government would deliberately introduce yet another new virus not only to reduce its own population but also to cooperate in the efforts of Progressives around the world, to disrupt the world economy, and reduce the world population as much as possible, especially that of the U.S.A.? Would it make sense that the Progressives that dominate the mainstream media would try to induce panic so that masses of people would tolerate the destruction of their economic infrastructure? Would it make sense that international pro-global entities like the World Health Organization (which seems very much in China’s pocket) and the “Deep State” in the U.S. (CDC?) would do anything they can to get rid of pro-free market leaders and advocates like Donald Trump? They tried for two years to get him on false charges and failed, so would it make sense that they might start a pandemic so they could have something to fault him for, either for starting it or for failing to deal with it adequately? Remember: anything is considered virtuous if it accomplishes their goals. Note how first he was faulted for acting precipitously and then for acting too slowly.

I think we are wise to do a better job of guarding against the spread of disease, but I cannot help but wonder why this pandemic is getting so much attention. While the final statistics for the year are not yet in, it still has not racked up the kind of numbers annually reached by influenza, against which we have not taken anything close to the extreme measures being taken for Covid-19. As of this writing (April 15, 2020) Covid-19 has infected 619,607 Americans and killed 27,760. That’s a lot of people; but in 2019-2020 the flu infected from 39,000,000 to 56,000,000 and killed 24,000 to 62,000. In 2017-2018 the flu infected 45,000,000 and killed 61,000. In 1968-1969 the Hong Kong flu killed 100,000 Americans, and in 1957-1958 the Asian flu killed 116,000 Americans.

I don’t know enough of the goings on of politics to be able conclusively to identify who or what of this earth caused this Covid-19 pandemic. But I do know the ultimate source, the source of all problems: the same one who brought the pain, suffering, and disease upon Job in the Old Testament. That means that the Progressives/Communists in whatever government and in the media are in league with the devil. And the lies that daily pour out of both confirm it, for lies are of the Devil, the father of lies. These people are truly satanic.

But, one might ask, why would God allow it? Even with Job, the Devil had to get permission to afflict Job. Why did God allow it? While Job was a righteous man, he still had some thought patterns that needed to be corrected. It was the same with God’s chosen nation of the Old Testament. They repeatedly needed to be corrected, to be moved to repentance, and to be moved to return to God. So, God, for a time, periodically allowed grievous hardships to come upon them.

Our nation and world has been “cruisin’ for a bruisin’” for a long time. With the rejection of God and his truth of Creation, with the abandoning God’s design for marriage, with the praise and advocacy of gender dysphoria as if it were a virtue, with the rampant corruption in both capitalist and communist societies, with the murder of children in the womb and “euthanasia” for the aged, with the genocide and religious killings by communists and Muslims,… one could go on – the fact that God has not visited us with plagues already is testimony to his long-suffering nature. But God’s patience is not eternal except through Christ, and God clearly threatens to punish those who reject him and his ways. What is interesting is just how quickly and unexpectedly God can bring the whole world to its knees. And lest anyone think that the present problem is as bad as it can get, think again. If this world does not repent, God’s awesome and terrifying wrath will come down even harder, perhaps even his ultimate judgment, which no one but his elect will escape.