Where did the ark of Noah land?

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The Bible says “the mountains of Ararat” (Genesis 8:4). “Ararat” is commonly equated with the ancient realm of Urartu, which included the present region of Armenia. Mt. Ararat is located…

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Was the United States Ever a Christian Nation?

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One would think that after more than two hundred years, this question would already have been well answered. It has not. Heated rhetoric on both sides continues, with some claiming…

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Who is Responsible for Covid-19?

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The Progressive/Communist/Socialist/Deep State/Marxist cabal might not have deliberately caused the Covid-19 pandemic, but the idea that they could have is plausible. Consider these factors, which come not from a right-wing…

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Did God Create Everything in Six 24-hour Days?

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Whether one answers “yes”, “no”, or “maybe” depends on what one understands by the phrase “24-hour days.” If one considers the phrase a synonym for “ordinary days”, then, yes. The…

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Love Calls Sin Sin

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Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! Isaiah 5:20…

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Best Form of Government?

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What Would Be the Best Form of Government? Before beginning the attempt to answer this question, I wish to make it clear that I consider the question purely academic. First,…

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Getting Started

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Okay, I'm new to this. I once set up a website using HTML and XHTML, but it was years ago, I haven't kept up with the technology, and I've never…

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